Our Immersion Preschool Highlights the Three Biggest Benefits of Language Learning

Two young children lie on a colorful mat, focused on coloring with crayons, fostering creativity and concentration.

Learning a second language is one skill that many adults wish they had. In most cases, citizens interviewed will cite “not learning a second language” as one of their biggest regrets. You may feel that it is too late in your life for you to begin learning a new language, but keep in mind that this process is well worth the effort. The same can be said for your preschooler who is at a stage where academic guidance and quality instruction are crucial for laying the foundation of a lifetime of learning.

If you’re planning on providing the best opportunities for your child in Texas, be sure to consider enrolling him or her in one of our language immersion programs in Houston. Crossing Borders Preschool is proud to be Texas’ Top Rated Local® immersion preschool, using our proven curriculum to help children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years achieve language comprehension while exposing them to a variety of different cultures and lifestyles. Our modern world is smaller than ever before, but language immersion classes can help learners of all ages to better understand the world around them.

Today, we’ll discuss the three areas where learning a second language can benefit your little one the most. If you’re ready to learn more about the advantages of immersion education, be sure to contact our daycare center for more information!


For many children, going to school can be a struggle. Regardless of the challenge faced by the individual, our early childhood education services ensure that your child is excited about learning. When it comes to bilinguality, students can rely on a range of academic advantages when compared to their native-speaking counterparts. Mastering a second language involves the learning of a new syntax, morphology, semantics, and so on, requiring your child to study and learn additional elements. By speaking more than one language, students can often benefit from an increased expertise in grammar, spelling, and other language-related skills.

By incorporating an entirely new system of communication into their skillset, your little star will likely show other educational benefits gleaned from our bilingual preschool, including higher test scores, better subject comprehension, and increased confidence. All of these factors can combine to deliver considerable advantages for your preschooler, especially if they are struggling in a specific area of study.


One major contributor to academic success in relation to bilingual learning is the boost to cognitive abilities. Being able to think and logicize in a different dialect can provide serious advantages in terms of brainpower. Bilingual students often exhibit advanced capabilities when it comes to creativity and problem solving. Language, much like painting or playing an instrument, activates many areas in your brain and utilizes a lot of your attention. Continual use can help to sharpen your neural pathways, improving problem-solving skills in addition to language comfort and competency.

The long-term benefits of bilinguality are just now being understood, but the results are looking positive. The correlation between language immersion programs and lifetime success is hard to specify, but in most cases, the students from our bilingual preschool move on to achieve their own successes.



Ultimately, we as parents want our kids to enjoy their lives to the fullest. We also aim to imbue them with all of the skills needed to make the most out of their time here. Mastering a second (or third) language can ultimately lead to more satisfaction throughout life. Our bilingual preschool works to equip your little one with the language tools and skills that will help them feel confident in foreign situations. Over the years, your child will be better able to communicate and interact with people across the globe. This increased ability to communicate with others can often lead to additional lifetime satisfaction, as bilingual speakers are able to speak to more people and be a part of their lives.

You Can Help To Reinforce Our Early Childhood Education Services!

Crossing Borders Preschool is here to deliver complete child care services for your little one, including our standard curriculum in addition to our immersion choices.

  • Speak with your child – Once they have left our child development center, your learner will likely be excited to show off what he or she has learned. Be sure to take the time to speak with your little one, utilizing their new language as often as possible to reinforce the value and excitement of learning this life-changing skill.
  • Read with your child – Storytime may be the perfect opportunity to introduce new content that features your child’s newly acquired skills. Be sure to read with your child whenever possible to encourage learning, and let them read and foster their progress.
  • Encourage new learning – Language learning doesn’t have to be confined to classroom time. You can incorporate fun activities into adventures with your child in the outdoors, traveling to locations that promote this new language.
  • Introduce fun adventures – If your child is learning a new language in our immersion preschool, it may prove ideal for you as the parent to schedule an event or trip that centers around this newly acquired language.

Regardless of your little one’s life plans, mastering a second (or third) language can provide a plethora of advantages throughout his or her lifetime. Crossing Borders Preschool is here to help start you off on the right foot, providing unbeatable language immersion programs for Houston children. For years, our immersion preschool has worked to create the best program to help children of all ages and learning styles learn to the best of their abilities. Contact us today to learn more about our approach to early childhood education, and be sure to ask about some of the benefits you can expect from teaching bilinguality to your little one!


Give Your Child a Bilingual Advantage That Will Serve Them for Life — Enroll Today!